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rosaliathorn's picture
ID needed please.

Having never uploaded an image this way, I hope this works!

I 'spotted' this bird on the powerpole next to our backyard this morning after hearing Common Mynahs and a Red Wattlebird defending their territory. Would love to know what it is as I have not seen it before.


rosaliathorn's picture

Sorry, image didn't work.
The bird was about the size of a ?dove. It's black/grey back and tail feathers were completely covered in white spots. It's head and throat were black and it had a white stripe running from the tip of it's beak following through to it's white breast. It was alone and just sat there for half hour or so and then flew off with a 'craw'.

DenisWilson's picture

Could it be a juvenile Common Koel?
Have a look at the BiBY page:
As Cuckoos, they usually are seen fed by Noisy Miners and ed Wattlebirds - the host parents of choice.

rosaliathorn's picture

Thanks for that Denis. It was a female Common Koel. The Red Wattlebird may have actually been defending it from the Mynahs.
There was a juvenile Wattlebird hanging out in the backyard a month or so ago, being looked after by both parents, but that seems to have 'flown the coop'.

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