Saw a pigeon size bird, mottled chest & throat, grey neck & head, dark eyes and brown wings. The beak was dark a pointed, but not long. It looked juv. from the back it was similar to a European Fieldfare.
Any ideas?
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Hard to say off that, but can you offer some more information, like the location where you saw the bird, did it call at all, was the bird high up in a tree or low on the ground or eating anything?
HI Ted
Where abouts was this? (state/locality)
This was at the Reptile Park north of Sydney. It was in the bush on the edge of the park. The bird was at the base of a tree and appeared to be feeding, but I am not sure on what.
I took several photos, but not sure how to upload these to the forum.
Try Bassian Thrush
It could have been, but lacks the grey head and neck.