Hi All,
Can anyone enlighten me as to whether this is just a very pale form of Brown Falcon or is it Leucistic? Taken today 12-08-09 near Mundubberra, Northern Burnett region of Queensland.
Leucistic or Just Pale
Thu, 13/08/2009 - 02:35

Leucistic or Just Pale
Hi All,
Can anyone enlighten me as to whether this is just a very pale form of Brown Falcon or is it Leucistic? Taken today 12-08-09 near Mundubberra, Northern Burnett region of Queensland.
Better yet, can someone tell me how to get the images to show up? Maybe try link codes.
Better still, can someone tell me how to get an image inserted?
Does this bring up the image? You did not close the square bracket at the end.
Okay, another attempt.
Is there some size limit thing that is not letting the full picture show. I bet this site was designed on a Mac. Sorry but I can't figure any way to get the image all visible, hope there is enough for an opinion.
Mate I have no idea but thanks for sharing the image with us I have never seen one like it.
It could be the same as the Black Kookaburras that were posted on here a couple of days ago.
G'day Trevor, my money's on it being a pale morph. I would think that if it's Leucistic it would be pale all over.
There has been some disagreement in the scientific community about what exactly to call birds with white spots. Solid white birds with pink eyes everyone agrees are albinistic, and pale birds with normally colored but pale plumage everyone agrees are leucistic. But birds with white patches intermingled with normal plumage have been described with a variety of terms.
This is a bit I googled as I didn't have a clue what leucistic meant. Assuming this to be true, I would say you'r bird was leucistic by definition even if it was only pale.
Checking my bird book I see the Brown Falcon does have a pale morph also five races,two of which are pale. This is a more likely reason than leucism. Ray
Resize to reduce your pixels to 500 across I think or thereabouts to get the full image in the picture.
Sunshine Coast Queensland