Little yellow bird

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Birdgirl2009's picture
Little yellow bird

This bird was in a tree at the edge a pond at Morpeth Common (Hunter Valley NSW). I feel as if I should be able to find it easily, but I can't. I thought of a yellow thornbill, but the head markings are different and it has a heap of yellow feathers on its back. It is about the same size (10 cm)


Looks like a yellow rumped thornbill to me Birdgirl.

Birdgirl2009's picture

Thanks Amateur. I am still unsure because The Reader's Digest ... says for the yellow-rumped thornbill 'underparts plain dull white, flanks buffier' and it also says 'upper parts mid-brown often with olive wash' - mine is definitely yellow. I considered juvenile but it says they are duller. I have put it in best photos as well. Here it is more from behind


Windhover's picture

AKA Butterbum.

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