We have a bird that has visited for the last two days. It has the colouring of a magpie but is the shape (fluffy and plump) of a kookaburra. We live on the Gold Coast. Have tried to look for it on the net but can't find anything that looks the same. Does anyone have any suggestions?
There have been reports on this forum previously of black Kookaburras.
Maybe that is what you have got.
The comment is made there that the earlier report was of paler black Kookaburras.
Maybe yours are half and half.
Anyway, check this page and come back to this "thread" you have started, and advise if it looks right, or not.
Denis Wilson
Hi Denis, thanks for your reply. I did have a look at the photos of the black kookaburras but our bird (we have named it Maggie Kook) looks nothing like this either. She has not left our garden and I have taken a few pics but not yet worked out how to put them on here. Her head and throat is pure black and her belly is white. The tip of her tail and beak are black and her wings her a mixture. Maggie Cook isn't thin like a Magpie and her head is rounded like a kookaburra with a very defined brow. I haven't heard her make a sound. I talk to her and she looks at me. She lets us come up close. This morning she had come in under our covered patio and was sitting on our cane lounge - bold as brass. We have two small dogs too but that doesn't seem to bother her. I will see if these pictures are any good.
Why is there no instructions on how to upload photos. Is it a secret???? Please could somebody tell me how?
It is a quirky forum, but it does work - just under its own rules (protocols).
Please do not assume that there are no instructions.
Go to the BiBY forum/announcements/How to post a photo.
It was put up there by the co-ordinator as the very first "announcement".
I am curious to see your images.
At first I wondered about a Pied Butcherbird, but that is smaller than a Magpie.
Denis Wilson
open square bracket img close square brackethttp://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs218.snc1/8528_160063611513_596866513open square bracket/img close square bracket
opensquarebracketimgclosesquarebrackethttp://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs218.snc1/8528_160063611513_596866513opensquarebracket/img close square bracket
this is not working :(
I tried to fix your link, but it doesn't show any pictures.
You need something like:
[ img ] http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs218.snc1/8528_160063611513_596866513 [ /img ]
... but without the spaces.
- soakes
Olinda, Victoria, Australia
Try posting a link, using square bracket link square bracket close. Insert URL from your photo site then square bracket/link close square bracket.
Denis Wilson
Thanks Guy's, I really don't know what I'm doing wrong. I have followed all the instructions. Denis, could I just email you the photos?
http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak- is n ot a complete url
I get "access denied" when I follow that link.
You need to right click on your image and get the Properties, and get the full url that way.
Then try the link system I mentioned.
Denis Wilson
deniswilson23 (at) bigpond (dot) com
Denis Wilson
thanks the suspense is killing me :) I emailed you the photos. Hope you are able to see them alright.
Hi everyone.
I have seen the images of Glenda's "Magpie".
It is a Pied Butcherbird.
Apparently the bird has been injured somehow, but is surviving. Anyway, the bird appears quite fluffed out in feathers, but seems reasonably OK.
and again:
Hope these codes work.
Denis Wilson