I heard a strange noise about a week or two ago and am trying to find out what kind of animal it is so I was wondering if anyone could tell me some night birds of the Brisbane suburbs. I have lived in the same house for 15 years and never heard it before. I heard the call after midnight and then again 10min later. It then woke me up I guess around 1:30am. It was very loud, probably right outside my window but I was a bit scared to go and look lol. I heard it once more a few nights later but that's it. The first note was louder and then followed quickly by several repetitive notes. It was a dry, hot night and I live about a 5min drive from a creek with bushland if that helps. Thanks.
Can you describe the sound a bit more? Did it sound like "a girl being strangled"?
Hi, no I don't think so. I have kind of forgotten what it sounded like but it was not a shriek, screech, hoot or coo sound. I am not actually 100% sure it was a bird. It sounded like a cross between a bird and a frog but I am quite sure it wasn't a frog.