Hello All,
I work in Milton in Brisbane. For a few weeks this bird has hung around outside our office. It just stares into the office for hours usually and it doesnt appear to be too worried about humans...
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bah that is a large image and I cant appear to edit it..
http://i.imgur.com/ZKoh8.jpg is a direct link if you cant see it...
It's a Bush Stone Curlew. :)
Thanks! I was worried about it being around the office but I rang a friend and it turns out that they will live practically anywhere around Brisbane.
It also explains the strange call I hear at night when I work back! It is a very cool bird.
I was about to say the same as Windhover.
I have seen a family of them wandering around the back of the Gabba near East Bris State School before - rather noisy fellows too.