New parrot!

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rainbowkookaburra's picture
New parrot!

Well, a parrot I've never seen before came to my backyard.
It was around the same size of a king parrot (wasn't a king parrot). It had a green body and an orange belly.
Could someone identify it for me please?

timmo's picture

Hi rainbowkooka...
It's pretty difficult to ID from just the information you have given - a photo, more description (e.g face and head colouring, wing colours?) and a location helps a lot in knowing what it's likely to be.
Here's a few possibilities from my bird book from what you've said:
1. Australian Ringneck - are mostly green and some have an orange patch on stomach. They usually have a distinctive 'ring' around the neck as well.
2. Juvenile Crimson Rosella - Young crimson rosellas are mostly green before they get the distinctive crimson pattern and look much like King Parrots.
3. Orange-bellied Parrot - These are quite rare, much smaller than a king parrot (22-25cm compared to 40-45cm) and are mostly found in SW Tas and SW Victoria.
I know you've said it wasn't a King Parrot, but only mature males have the red head - females and juveniles may be much paler with just a red/orange belly. Is this a possibility?


rainbowkookaburra's picture

Hello. I know it wasn't a rainbow lorikeet. I've seen juvenile king parrot's before, definitely not them.
I've tried using to Bird Identification program, also no luck.
The whole bird itself was green, just with an orange belly.
I can usually identify most birds easily. Just I've never seen this one before.

Ashywolf's picture

How about a Figbird?

raysimula's picture

What about an Orange Bellied Parrot? Ray

raysimula's picture

Sorry, I just noticed Timmo has already suggested this. I should read things properly. Ray

rainbowkookaburra's picture

It definately, as I said, wasn't a rainbow lorikeet or orange-bellied parrot.
Maybe I was wrong about the juvenile king parrot.
I am quite experienced at birds, but I could've been wrong for once.

Ashywolf's picture

I'm not sure I know any birdwatchers that have never made any mistakes. It's all a part of it.

And you checked the Figbird right?

See here:

Windhover's picture

Male Red-rumped Parrot sounds like an option. Depending on the light, even though the belly is more yellow, it could look orange. :)

My suggestion is based on what may be if you are in NSW. I am not certain of this species' range, so just a thought.

Ashywolf's picture

Red-rumped Parrots are found across the whole of NSW. I certainly agree they can look orange on the breast at first glance.

birdie's picture

Do we know where rainbowkookaburra is?

Sunshine Coast Queensland

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