I was woken at about 3.30 this morning by a loud squarking noise from the bush outside my window. It didn't repeat too many times but really loud and out of place on a quiet night. i was thinking of a channel bill - the call sounds like the one on this website but it didn't call all night, just once or twice. there doesn't seem to be any other nocturnal bird that sounds like it.
Any suggestions?
Night squarking
Mon, 19/10/2009 - 04:03
Night squarking
Hi Birdie,
My guess would be that, if it sounded like a CBC, it was. I don't think there are any other birds that sound like a CBC - lucky for us, hey?! I've seen a few CBCsI have seen have done just done a couple of squawks, rather than continuous squawking.
Would love to see them though. And thanks for clearing up the spelling of squawking , I knew there was a w in there somewhere!!!
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Just re-read my post. Interesting sentence structure.
The first CBC I saw was at my uni (which is a good bird habitat). I heard what sounded like a baby bird asking for food. I looked around and saw what is probably the biggest and least-attractive baby bird I've ever seen! I watched it for a while. It was with its crow "parents" and kept harrassing them for food.
The next CBC season I saw a couple at my uni, but didn't see them with their parents. This season, I've heard them at uni but not seen them.