This is another unidentified bird from my trip out NW of Bourke. These birds only landed long enough for me to snap this pic and then they were gone again. Any ideas? They remind me of a small bird I saw out near Lake Eyre last year which I still haven't got an ID for.
Unidentified birds at Bourke:
These are the pics from Lake Eyre. They might not even be the same species:
Out West- Another ID Help
Wed, 18/05/2011 - 05:42
Out West- Another ID Help
My first thought was a Jacky Winter (aka Brown Flycatcher) or maybe a robin of some kind? But the third photo looks kind of like a type of honeyeater so I'm not sure if they're the same, in my opinion they're 2 different species.
Hi Akasha. The middle shot could be of a Brown Songlark.
Cheers, Owen.
First is Jacky Winter, second looks more like an Arctic Warbler to me....
Its probably an Aus. Reed Warbler thinking about it.
Shape doesn't seem right for B Songlark, and its rather plain on the back without the spots/streaks the B Songlark has.