Please identify this bird of prey. Juvenile white-breasted Eagle?

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abeleski's picture
Please identify this bird of prey. Juvenile white-breasted Eagle?

abeleski's picture

Sorry I dont know what happened there. I am new here.


I was born to live and I live to die.

abeleski's picture

I was born to live and I live to die.

abeleski's picture

I was born to live and I live to die.

abeleski's picture

Appologies to all. Was just trying to embed the image. Got it worked out now.

I was born to live and I live to die.

Windhover's picture

It's an Eastern Osprey (Pandion cristatus)

Where abouts did you photograph it?

abeleski's picture

Thanks Windhover.

It was taken near Killalea State Park, NSW. I had gone there fishing a few weeks ago and saw some eagle looking birds so I told my friend and we went yesterday trying to see if we can get some photographs of them. As we were looking for them up high this bird on the photo came from behind us and low over an embankment as a complete suprise. I quickly swung around and took some shots of it from behind unfortunately as he dropped past the ledge and then he flew up high again. My mate didnt get a chance to get a shot of as he had a big 600mm lens and swinging around on the tripod that quickly would have been tricky. I was lucky i had my gear in my hands. Later we walked around the lagoon and saw them up real high but way too high to get any decent photos.

Link on google maps.,150.887765&daddr=&hl=en&geocode=&mra=dme&mrsp=0&sz=17&dirflg=w&sll=-34.593765,150.887657&sspn=0.006174,0.008336&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=17

I was born to live and I live to die.

Holly's picture

Ah I know Killalea well - I don't live to far away and I have done some work for the enviro education centre there! I haven't been lucky enough to see an osprey there (and goregeous photo) but there are sea-eagles around too.

I had a lovely experience with a group of young students watching a kestrel there - it flew onto a post about 10 metres in front of us with a mouse! Wonderful way to teach them how to use binoculars :)


abeleski's picture


After taking the photo we walked around the lagoon and we saw 4 of them flying high over the quarry.

And the first time when I was fishing I am sure the birds I saw were sea-eagles as they were much larger and the white was more pronounced. That is why I thought maybe this osprey was a juvenile sea-eagle as from what I read the juvenile sea-eagles have more brown in them.

ps: i love photography but I don't know much about birds. Hopefully I will learn more on this site. Thanks all.


I was born to live and I live to die.

Windhover's picture

I'll pass this location onto a scientist who studies raptors as it appears the species is starting to regain its stronghold in southern NSW. That's very good news.

birdie's picture

That is a great shot of an Eastern Osprey taken on the spur of the moment Abeleski..... sounds like a great place to go birding! And how cool is it that you can just link a map image like that....don't you just love today's technology?

Sunshine Coast Queensland

abeleski's picture

Thank you birdie.

Yes we have some great and free technology that we can use these days and I encourage people here to use google maps for pointing locations if they wish to do so rather than trying to describe where it was.

Google maps can even link the photos to the maps via picasaweb, so you can look at the map and see the images right there as thumbnails on the map. Like this for example:,150.902023&sspn=0.024726,0.033345&ie=UTF8&hq=killalea&hnear=&ll=-34.597324,150.888419&spn=0.024693,0.033345&t=h&z=15&lci=com.panoramio.all

If you want to go further than that, some of the modern DSLRs you can buy GPS units for which automatically embed the GPS position into the photo EXIF information which picasa can read and map directly for you so you dont have to do much apart from upload it.

All very cool stuff.

I was born to live and I live to die.

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