Raptor mystery

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booshkie's picture
Raptor mystery

I saw what I thought was a raptor at some distance today and snapped off a few shots in the hope they could help with an ID.

Here's the photo. And before I go clouding judgments and letting you know what I think it is... I'd like some expert opinions...

It's a lame photo but some features are quite discernible.

ed's picture

Maybe a big call from this photo but I'll go with Little Eagle (adult light morph)

Ed Townsville NQ

booshkie's picture

That's the answer I was hoping for!

Little eagles are extremely rare in the Valley. One sighting was recorded in 1990!

But we are seeing lots of new visitors since a colony of GHFF moved in (Powerful Owls and Sea Eagles included) so its not outside the realms of possibility that this was a Little Eagle.

My Simpson and Day has me convinced.



Gelmir's picture

Well done booshkie! The book looks practically identical to your picture.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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