Hi all,
Yesterday I spent about 30 seconds watching what looked like a female Red-capped Robin - but the map in the bird book makes it look like I'm just a bit too far south to expect to see one.
The sighting was in suburban Melbourne, Bundoora specifically. The bird was in a very small stand of trees (acacias and the occasional casuarina) in a grassland area alongside Darebin Creek (quite an exposed site, but there is more treecover on the other side of the creek, not too far off).
The bird, as near as I can remember, was majority grey on the wings and back and white/very pale underneath, with a definite red patch on its "forehead". Eye and bill were both black, and the bill was just a bit longer than the distance from eye to bill-base.
I didn't get any photos, sadly, but looked up 'Red-capped Robin' when I got home and this photo looks very much like what I recall: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2180/2360097109_84409e732e.jpg?v=0
Is there anything else this could have been, that looks similar? Is it completely unreasonable of me to think I've seen a Red-capped Robin in Melbourne?
Hope someone can help me confirm or deny my bird's identity, and whether I should report it as an unusual sighting!
Hi Hespa an outside chance! Try Rose Robin
Rose Robin doesn't have the red patch on the head though, which was very distinctive - if not for that I would have written it off as another grey-brown miscellaneous...
Could it have gotten the red patch from a feeding activity or something? I know honeyeaters can have misleading yellow on their faces caused by pollen.