Some more recordings to try and ID

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stephanschutze's picture
Some more recordings to try and ID

Hello everyone

I have finally had time to sort out some other bird recordings into sequences as it became very clear that a single bird call was not the best way to get a positive ID.

These calls I can provide location and time of year for and of course the sounds themselves. Hopefully that will be enough to get some information.

These first 2 were recorded in the park lands around Noosa Heads around October 2009

These Birds were all recorded in the mangrove swamps at StKilda north of Adelaide



This last call was made in bushland east of Warburton between Warburton and the upper Yarra dam, in spring/summer

If I can provide any further information I will try, just ask if you have any questions

and again thank you for your knowledge and experience

Owen1's picture

hi stephan
the first bird is most likely a pied butcherbird.
the fifth one could be some sort of wren.
the last one is a spotted pardalote.
i happen to know from experience what it is.
i live in melbourne near the yarra river and i hear this call all the time.

Cheers, Owen.

birdie's picture

The second bird is most definitely an Eastern Common Koel Stephan and I think the first was a Butcherbird though I am not really certain that it was a Pied, could have been a Grey. It sounded remarkably like a magpie at times, and BB do sound like that sometimes.

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Wanda's picture

I will try for
1st sounded like a Magpie
2nd Koel
4th Willie Wagtail
5th Willie Wagtail and Wren

But once again I could be way off but it is fun to try. :-)

GregL's picture

The 4th and possibly 5th birds sound like grey fantails to me.

Tazrandus's picture

Noosa 2 - Pied/Grey Butcherbird
Noosa 4 - definitely an eastern koel
St Kilda Mangroves 1 - maybe a mangrove Gerygone?
St Kilda Mangroves 2 - 404 error
Mangroves 4 - I have no idea
Mangroves 5 - Willie Wagtail?
Mangrove 6 - A (Superb?) Fairy Wren
Mangrove 7 - woah that sounds nice but I have no idea
Warburton - Spotted Pardalote


stephanschutze's picture

Hello Everyone

sorry for the late reply, but I have spent the last week at the Avalon Airshow recording noisy metal birds. Just as hard to ID sometimes.

Thank you all for the excellent information. We seem to have IDs on most of the birds now which is very much appreciated. I am happy to go with the species you have indicated, it is certainly better than "unknown' and if in the future someone contacts me certain that an ID is incorrect I can always update it at that time.

Soon I will post some other bird recordings. These will not be to ID, but just because some of you might enjoy listening to them. I have some interesting bird calls I recorded when I was living in Japan and one in particular I find very beautiful.

Thank you again for your time and knowledge

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