Unknown small bird

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rjwaring's picture
Unknown small bird

Not sure what this bird is. Can anyone help? Was seen at Point Nepean National Park near Portsea, Victoria.

Windhover's picture

Could be a female Scarlet Robin or Flame Robin. At least that's what first comes to my mind. Certainly seems to have a Robin giss about it, but I am not good with these birds. :)

Windhover's picture

Second thought, I knew one had more pink on the breast and that's a female Scarlet Robin (Petroic boodang). I think this may be a female Flame Robin (Petroica phoenicea). Did you get shots of the back of the bird so we can see the wings?

Here is a photo from flickr of a pair of female Flames. Also the white edge around the eyes....

Windhover's picture

If Holly would like to amend the post I linked that photo, it's not mine, just linked it from here:


to show the similarity. I was meant to use HTML tags.

rjwaring's picture

thanks Windhover. I was thinking along the robin family, but females are awful to try to id. No clear shot of the back, but wings do have those light markings in a shot where a twig took the focus.

I've succumbed to the birding bug!
Alice Springs, NT

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