Greetings - I have a picture of a duck that I can not find in my Slater's Field Guide - however - it is not clear how I can put the image into the forum for interested members to check it out. The duck had a speckled brown body, light brown tip on the beak and reddish coloured feet - it was seen on the water at Lake Kurwongbah near Petrie on 1/11/09. Cheers Norm
I was thnking a grey teal but the brown tip and red feet cancel that out. The interesting thing is re feet, have not seen many ducks with red feet, which makes me ask if maybe it's not a duck but some other water bird?
Also, if you wish to load the picture up, you have to first load the picture onto a website, such as flickr or photobucket, or if you have a hotmail account like me, you can just load it to your photos section. After that you click on the properties and copy the address between {img}___{/img}
only with square brackets. You might need to resize them but if have hotmail and load it up to your profile, there's no resizing needed.
Does this link work - it is in my photo album on MSN . Cheers - Norm
Have you set it to only people in your network or private? I can't see it. anyway, you have to right click on the image and then click on properties. After that copy out the thing next to address(URL) and put it in between the img brackets thing, also, make sure you include the last square bracket when you do it!
Don't just copy the thing out from the top, it doesn't work. When you see the "address" thingy or something similar, it should look like this with all the random numbers and letters, keep trying, it's hard to get the hang of.
OK - Try this - I may have got the colour of the feet a bit wrong, however, I did say "reddish"!! I am still trying to work out how to make it wasy for you to access my photos.
Down the bottom right it should say Shared with: Public (everyone), if it doesn't then I'll just add you so I can view them, and the reddish feet, I assume it has reddish legs as well, but maybe it was yellow?
Hey Norm, you put /img] instead of [/img] at the end. Give it another try. I use photobucket
See Yez
ok - the picture is now part of my profile.
This really isn't working, I still can't see the pic on your profile, so I've just added you on Windows Live, accept it and either send it to me via email and I will put it up or maybe I need to be in your 'network' to see the photo.
Not sure what is happening - the last couple of times I tried to give you the link it did not appear in the message. I put in the this time. I can see your photo OK and my picture also appears when I log into the forum. Windows Live seems to be set up to allow you to have access. Lets see if t his works. PS - I seem to be betting messages on all posts to the forum not just to this one. Is that normal? I ticked yes at the bottom of the post on the basis that I will receive and e-mail when I get a response to my thread.
Oh, so your gravatar thing is the duck you want ID'd? do you mind just sending me the photo to my email account? Then I could upload it and it would be much easier. Still can't see your photos :(. anyway, you shouldn't be getting messages from all the threads, only the ones you have posted on.
Plus, if you're gonna send it, send it to my alternate hotmail account,
OK - I am still going to try and post the photo via photobucket - try this [img][/img]
In case you didnt notice the other thread, it's a Yellow Billed Duck, which I really should've thought of first thing as soon as i saw it. My excuse is it's late :), can't help you with the photobucket image posting, not familiar with it. Goodbye and Goodnight!!
Hi again - yellow billed duck? Other websites seem to suggest YBDs are from Africa? Any comments?