I am in the Lower Blue Mountains, West of Sydney, & found this egg on the lawn yesterday. I haven't seen one like it in the 25 years I have been here & it is much larger than the ones we usually find, so assume it's from a biggish bird. Can anyone help with identification please?
Oops! Sorry the photo for this topic was a bit big! The egg is about 4.5 cm. Hope this resized pic fits!
Sorry - you can see I'm a newby here. Third time lucky with the photo I hope.
Hi Bigbird,
Interesting find. I have a book of bird eggs and nests, which I'll check later. In the meantime, someone else might provide an answer. But I'll come back to this thread later today when I'm not so busy working.
Are there any birds that you think might be the owner? That is, any birds that are in your yard, that appear to be the appropriate size?
Hi Andy,
Thanks for your interest.
We have white cockatoos all year, annual visits from the Koel & Channel-Billed cuckoos that are around now, then magpies, currawongs and satin bower birds would be about the biggest. We do get a brief visit every year from a Wampoo pigeon, but haven't seen it lately.
I've checked the web & the few egg descriptions in bird books I have, but haven't come up with anything yet. It'd be great if you could find an answer. I'm quite fascinated about what it could be.
Here is Bigbird's egg :)
Possibly the regent bowerbird.
Heard a constant loud cheeping,high in an old wattle tree, this morning that I'd never heard before. First thought it was a young Koel, but a with a closer look, think it was your suggestion of a Regent Bowerbird - speckled, with buff & black stripey marks on head & a long tail. Assume it was a young one, not a female. Never seen one here before. Thanks for your suggestion.