What is it?

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dorothee's picture
What is it?

There are lots of new (read young) visitors frequenting our birdbath lately. Eastern Spinebills, Superb Fairywrens, Jacky Winters, Red-browed Finches, Grey Fantails, Yellow-faced Honeyeaters and Willie Wagtails and more. 

There is one bird though that I can't seem to name as it is very much looking like a Willie Wagtail except for its short feathered head and strong beak that make it look a bit strange (see photo).

Not a youngster that has to grow some headfeathers still? ;) 

Woko's picture

Looks like a young Willie wagtail to me, dorothee.

dorothee's picture

Thanks Woko - another proof that feathers make the bird!

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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