Hi all, seeing I'm a long way off, bying a new camera,( someone else wants my money now, tax!!),I have taken to listening to the songs and calls of the birds in my garden. Very challenging,apart from the obvious birds, not all that easy!Can anyone recommend some good CDs? I find the recordings on the forum website don't inspire me that much.( Just to do some birdy stuff, until I get some more money.)
BOCA have a whole set of CDs. Don't know the pricing, but I am sure you can find it on their website.
Thanks Windhover, I just came home from a long walk, didn't see anything exciting, but one can't be lucky every time you go out.Will have a close look at the site later.I would like to be able to one day say: yes, I know that song, and I know what it means... (like last night, the boobook was "trilling" in the tree outside my window!), I want to be able to say: yes, I know, that is a...... I will try hard!!!
I know exactly what you mean Araminta, and it helps so much with finding the birds when you are in the bush especially. This morning I heard this repetitive song really close to me and I was astounded that it turned out to be an Eastern Yellow Robin.... what I had thought their song was turned out to be a grey fantail and so on.... Now at least I know the Robin's song! My problem is that I forget them all the time.
However this morning I went to find the Golden Whistler and he was definitely in the same spot in the forest, though I didn't go in far enough(too many snake possibilities)to see him I sat on a seat and listened to him for ages.
Sunshine Coast Queensland
LOL Birdie, you'd hate to have been with me then. See my kestrel (male) in the photo threads. Near there, where his nest is in a dead redgum, I had a Brown Snake buzz me twice. Over two sessions. Same spot. I just could not get a dang picture of the bugger. :(
You are right ... I would have bolted! But this morning was more than that , the rains have come pretty heavily lately and the track had lots of rotting and fallen vegetation on them, plus I had the dog with me and I didn't want him to cop one either. I find it very hard to relax looking up at the trees when I am worried about what I might be stepping on! Still the sound of his song filled the forest and I was content to just sit and listen .... he certainly owns that part of the bush!
Sunshine Coast Queensland
BTW ... exactly what does a brown snake do when he "buzzes" you?
Sunshine Coast Queensland
We are so lucky to have all this wildlife just at our feet,(including the snakes, like the redbellied blacksnake in my garden,and the tiger snake, that bit my dog 3 years ago!)Let's all make sure to look after the beautiful nature we have, so we can admire it for a long time to come!!
Buzz. you know comes in your direction and not necessarily in an aggressive manner. Just happens to cross paths. That's all. But it is a BUZZ! :)
Amen to that I say. My daughter has just finished an assignment on the ethics of the use of animals and she chose the ivory trade as a subject. I was really proud of her when I watched the production she made, and totally shocked by some of the images she had included showing the results of ivory poaching. She is only 12 and it would have been hard on her to see this but it is in her generation's hands to protect what precious resources we have left.
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Photographing my Python in the garden was a buzz..... your kind of buzz I can pass on! :)
Sunshine Coast Queensland