black bird with green beak

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crospyo's picture
black bird with green beak

I need help identifying this bird i saw in my backyard today.

It was a small-medium size, with a glossy black/dark blue coat and a curved light green beak.


Araminta's picture

Hi crospyo, it would help to know what area you live in? What colour were the eyes? Red or yellow?


crospyo's picture


yes I should of mentioned, I live in south Sydney. I can't recall it's eyes very clear unfortunately. I don't think they were red, so probably yellow.

Araminta's picture

Have a look at this website's Bird Finder. Could be a Satin Bowerbird, maybe a Spangled Drongo (red eyes!), or maybe a Common Koel (also red eyes). So, have a look at those! Hope other members have better suggestions??


crospyo's picture

Thanks. The Satin Bowerbird definitely looks close. I did use the Bird Finder and the closest I found was the Spangled Dongo, but now I think it could be the Satin Bowerbird (which I didn't see on the finder). The only difference to what I saw is the beak looked more thin and was a really light green.

crospyo's picture

I saw it again today! Too bad I missed getting a photo of it, hopefully I'll see it again.

I heard a very unfamiliar bird cry while I was inside and looked out the window and saw that same bird. I unfortunately didn't really get a better look at it, but as I said I heard a very distinctive cry which I assumed was from this bird. It didn't sound like any of the suggested birds above... Though I still think it looks most like the Satin Bowerbird.

---'s picture

if it sounded slightly like a dj with a fart at the end,thats a satin bowerbird,or its my rubbish speakers :p

Windhover's picture
crospyo's picture

Hi again.

I saw it again and got a picture of it. It most definitely is a Satan Bowerbird. Might as well show you anyway.

Although this one looks a little different to the one I saw back in March, but I'm sure it was still the same breed.

timmo's picture

I hope that's a "Satin Bowerbird" cos a "Satan" bowerbird sounds scary. :)


crospyo's picture

LOL my mistake. "Satin" Bowerbird, of course.

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