brown headed/white naped honeyeater

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GregL's picture
brown headed/white naped honeyeater

yesterday I saw a group of honeyeaters. Some were definitely white naped honeyeaters, with dark head and red eyebrow. Others had a brown head with a curving stripe extending from the back of the eye behind the head. My field guide says imm. white naped have a dark head, but today I saw a field guide at the library which said they can have a brown head with the white stripe behind the eye. I don't know if the stripe can really move from behind the eye to the nape of the neck as the birds mature, but I suppose its possible. Does anyone on here have experience of these birds.
I also thought I saw some fuscous honeyeaters a few days ago, with indistinct marks behind the eyes, but wasn't sure. Small brown honeyeaters flitting through the trees can be difficult to id.

edward's picture


We have lots of the white naped honeyeaters, and they are often around at the same time as the white eared honeyeater. Have you looked at these?

daggert's picture

White naped

brown headed
We have both here at my place in WA

GregL's picture

What part of WA are you in, Daggert? the top photo looks more like a white-throated honeyeater because it lacks the bright red evebrow, The bottom photo looks just like the bird I saw, thanks for that.

GregL's picture

I just read that there are white or green eyed forms in sw WA, very confusing.

daggert's picture

Hey Greg.
I am in south of WA, toodyay area to be precise, which is east of perth and a bit north. About 100km out from Perth itself. Though I dont consider myself to be in the 'South West' when you look map wise it still kinda is. Yeah I know what your saying about being confused. I only ruled out the white throated because of disribution. Though your right as it does look more like those. I guess I have the white eye variety
Originally I thought they were the same bird in adult and juvi form.

bushbirdnerd's picture

Hi GregL, I wouldn't be surprised if you did have both brown-headed and white-naped honeyeaters fluttering together. I often have a small flock of brown-headed honeyeaters come through my place and have seen some white-naped honeyeaters tagging along.

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berldo's picture

Hey guys. In reference to the discussion about white naped or white throated honeyeater in WA...

I also read that the WA version of the white naped has white above the eye rather than the red. However a point of difference is that the white above the eye on the white throated honeyeater does in fact run all the way to the eye, whereas on the white naped it stops short.

My guess would still point to white naped honey eater.

GregL's picture

Hi bushinbird, thanks for the info. Judging from what you say and daggerts photo I think I did see a brown-headed. Now I have to decide whether to remove the question mark from the entry on my list. I don't know if a single brief sighting like that should count as a confirmed.

daggert's picture

We did ok in the bush fires as we are 20km the other side of Toodyay. Thank goodness. Wasnt a very pleasent few days though thats for sure.
thanks for asking

bushbirdnerd's picture

Hi GregL White-naped left hanging with some brown-headed

Oxalis is not my friend

bushbirdnerd's picture


Oxalis is not my friend

bushbirdnerd's picture

I'll try again- different photo.

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