Identify Bird by sound

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Leaanne's picture
Identify Bird by sound

I find it hard to identify a bird I can't see clearly (because I wear glasses), but I have the sound of him... a sort of "woCHA, woCHA, woCHA". Local native tree of red pompoms seems to be attracting them.

Leaanne's picture

any assistance would be great

Woko's picture

Hmmmm. Perhaps a little wattlebird, Leaanne?

darinnightowl's picture

What time of the day, does it call leanne

See it!  Hear it!

Mid-North Coast NSW

darinnightowl's picture

What time of the day, does it call leanne

See it!  Hear it!

Mid-North Coast NSW

Windhover's picture

If you have a smart phone or any other recording device, please do record it as an mp3 and attach so we can listen. A little difficult to tell, because it's very hard to describe a call's characteristics.

Additional useful information is where you are located by city and suburb.

Windhover's picture

If the woCHA you are describing is louder on the CHA (I assume, because you've capitalized, hence I think you want to accentuate that part) then it could even be something like a small New Holland Honeyeater. Can you tell the bird's size? How big? What shape? Bill size and shape? Colours?

birdie's picture

Yes I can see how you could describe the little wattlebirds call as that , especially if there was a red pompom tree around. it is kind of an ugly call if you know what I mean

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Leaanne's picture

thanks everyone for your efforts.  The bird in question has vacated our premises and never returned!  how rude! Having eye surgery next week so I am hopeful that will also help improve my bird watching attempts.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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