I'm hoping for a Grey Falcon but........

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retrocontendo's picture
I'm hoping for a Grey Falcon but........

Hi Everyone,

These quick photos were taken with my iphone 6 in my front yard in Brisbane this morning.  I live near a bush area and was walking past my front door and saw this fellow sitting on my fence. For the life of me I can't work out what he is. 

The photos don't really show he had bright yellow feet that were huge and as soon as we tried to get nearer for some better shots, he flew off.

I am hoping for a Grey Falcon but could be a Peregrine or a Hobby?

Thanks for your help!

HelloBirdy's picture

or more likely a collard sparrowhawk or brown goshawk, I think

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera

Snail's picture

Yes I agree with Ryu, it is either a Collared Sparrowhawk or Brown Goshawk. Due to the apparently robust build I would lean towards the latter, but its is very difficult to say for sure from these pics. 


Reflex's picture

I agree with Snail. 

Samford Valley Qld.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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