Immature Satin Bowerbird

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Cage's picture
Immature Satin Bowerbird

Got this in the yard a couple of days back. I leave trinkets out as 'bait'.I think it's an immature male as the beak is lightening, but a long way from getting the blue/black plumage of an adult.

I also found out about nictitating membranes, the third eyelid. By the way, their favourite colour seems to be Dairy Farmers Blue, a pretty close match to their eye colour.

mpb's picture

Well done, a great photo, they just cant resist those blue things.

Shame about the nictitating membrane making the eye look cloudy.


Snail's picture

Great photo. They really are a fascinating species.



Interesting photo to capture that behaviour  ... those third eyelids are frustrating for the photographer! 

Reflex's picture

Good looking bird. I once found a bowerbirds nest in Katherine it had all sorts of bits and pieces in it but mainly aluminium ring pulls from beer cans. It's amazing what attracts them.

Samford Valley Qld.

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