Indian Myna

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ogradyj's picture
Indian Myna


Indian Myna's are now in the Moggill Wetland area west of Brisbane. What was an occasional sighting 6 to 8 months ago is now common with what appears to be a permanent colony in residence. They are now appearing in the area of Mt Crosby Rd and Kangaroo Gully Rd, a few Km to the east. Any other sightings within the region?

Woko's picture

Any ideas on how to get rid of them, ogradyj?

sparrow's picture

We had a pair show up at our place for the first time this year, the Noisy Miners saw them off but I fear its just the begining

Night Parrot
Night Parrot's picture

There's nowhere these flying rats won't infest. There has been a lot said on other threads of this forum about indian mynahs and it is apparent that some responsible councils and community groups are taking positive action on trapping them, with good results. I don't know the area you are talking about ogradyj but you could start with the local council. Maybe ask them about availability of traps and if they don't help you perhaps you can suggest they might follow the lead of the ACT, Bundaberg, Blacktown NSW and other places. You may need to roar to be heard.

ogradyj's picture

Thanks for the advice Night Parrot. I'll post here the whatever course of action the Council can take. I'm pretty sure my course of control would have been illegal!!!

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