G'day, I'm Sue. Discovered this forum yesterday when I needed help with an identification. I live in suburban Brisbane, the traditional quarter acre block, and am mainly interested in the birds that visit my backyard. Hope to have more to contribute to this forum.
Hi Sue,
I'm glad to meet you - well, sort of - and I'll bet I'll be envious of the birds you have in your backyard. I'm down in Victoria.
I too live on a quarter acre block but in suburban Adelaide.
I respect most living creatures and because I don't use any poisons, have a balanced eco system.
We have three bird baths, all very well used and it is an integrated feathered society. At one time we can have Rainbow Lorrikeets, Musk Lorrikeets, Australian Magpies, Magpie Larks, New Holland Honeyeaters and Blackbirds, Sparrows, Doves etc. Noisy Miners too. Wouldn't it be nice if people of all colours could peacefully co-exist like they do. They have come to realise that we pose no threat and there is not usually much ruffling of feathers when they see us.
Hi Betty
I find it amusing that you are envious of Sue in her Brisbane backyard and yet the birds you have in Victoria make us Qld'ers just as envious. I guess we all like to see something different. I was down Geelong way recently to see a footy game and I saw many new birds that I'll never see here in North Queensland. It was great and I'll be back to see more in 2008.
And to read that you have a forest reserve over the road makes me think that you must have many birds visiting your place. I live in Ayr and I don't have a lot of variety in the birds that visit my yard; figbirds, koels, blue-faced honeyeaters, Torres St. pigeons, rainbow lorikeets, yellow honeyeaters and sunbirds are regular visitors together with the turtle doves, magpies, butcherbirds and peewees(mudlarks). (these are all common town birds)
Less common visitors include helmeted friarbirds, drongos, nutmeg mannikins, peaceful doves, crested pigeons and for a couple of months in winter a greater bowerbird comes most days for a wash and a drink from my pool. Black Cockatoos sometimes come for a feed too.
If I lived closer to a mountain range or a true forest such as the towns further north then I'm sure I would have much more variety. However there are lots of diverse habitats close by and I frequently visit them looking for birds and enjoy finding new species immensely.
I hope you all have a great year of birdwatching in 2008, especially Sue in Brisbane (as this is her thread) and all you lucky Victorians.