My first log in on this site. I live in behind Tweed Heads at a place called Cobaki surrounded by the Cobaki Broadwater. Bird life is abundant here and our property extends right down to the creek bank.
We have been here 18 months and I am discovering the tactics of the Common Koel with their cuckold habits.
For the third season, the adult Koel has laid her egg in the same host peewee nest. Our very friendly host parents are run ragged trying to feed this oversize chick. Once again we have supplemented feeding with extra mealworms, however I know the fate of this current chick will be the same as in previous seasons. The chick is now fully feathered and flying but not to the stage of self feeding. Very shortly the peewees will abandon this chick and it will fly from tree to tree calling incessantly for 2/3 days before perishing. All we can do is watch.
We are home to eastern water dragons also who come up to our back door daily for a small quantity of mealworms.
There are many bird calls I don't know yet so can't distinguish which bird it is, however I am learning.
I would love to hear from anybody else if they have any stories about Koels in their backyard.
Welcome to the site Susan, hope you enjoy.
G'day Susan, and welcome.
Welcome Susan looking forward to seeing your posts.
Cheers Raoul