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shoop's picture

Not sure if this happens to any of you but it happens to me all the time, where I will see a bird that I have not photographed before and then I will take a billzillion photos of it just in case I never see one again ...then it pops up everwhere I go after that. It happen recently with the Hard head Duck, now it's happening with the White-necked Heron. I am seeing them everywhere. It is so ironic !!!!!!  Here are a couple I took today. The first picture I tweaked in photoshop as it was a little bright( I don't normally like to edit my photos but I was naughty and did with this one)

Owen1's picture

Nice photos. Happens to me all the time. I see a bird for the first time then after that I see it everywhere else!

Cheers, Owen.

pacman's picture

yes, a common occurence for me also; and I also take lots of pics on that 1st sighting, not sure if I take a gazillion though


shoop's picture

I wonder if gazillion is more than billzillion??  hehehehehe , oh and I'm glad I'm not the only one smiley

Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.

sparrow's picture

It happens all too often the most memorable was the White Fronted Chat couldn't find one then I found myself in the middle of a swamp with a flock of about 30 now I see them all the time.

shoop's picture

The male white fronted chats are a lovely looking birds , I only have a couple of photos of a male that are only clear if you squint your eyes LoL. That one I would love to keep seeing over and over.

Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.

pacman's picture

shoop wrote:

The male white fronted chats are a lovely looking birds , I only have a couple of photos of a male that are only clear if you squint your eyes LoL. That one I would love to keep seeing over and over.

   I got my 1st WFC pics in your backyard - Creery Reserve, Mandurah.


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