It takes a Happy Family..

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windshear's picture
It takes a Happy Family..

I was on my way back from a less-than-successful birding trip (seems to be a theme lately) when I decided to drop into Chuwar to see if the Apostlebirds were still there, and if so, what they were up to.

I noticed that they were foraging on the ground, but as I approached, they all flew up into nearby trees and powerlines and proceeded to squawk at me. I realised that there was a nest in a nearby tree, and backed off a bit.

It was interesting to watch - there was an adult sitting on the nest, and one to two other adults keeping an eye out from nearby, while the remaining 4-5 adults were foraging on the ground not too far away. A noisy miner tried his luck and flew into the tree, but before he knew what was up, the whole clan of Apostlebirds had been summoned back to the home tree and chased him away.

I could only see one little baby, but there might have been another in there from what I could hear. 

They're such adorable little birds, and it's nice to see the kids have a bunch of aunts and uncles looking out for them. smiley

(bit of pic spam, but I had to share)

Hope you enjoy! smiley

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Great photos and story windshear, they really do look alert and on the ball!

The nest is a work of art.


Very impressed with that nest - fine piece of construction.

Great photos - love that one with the 3 on the branch looking on to make sure everything is done right.

Elsie's picture

So lovelyheart They are the sweetest birdssmiley

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Oh I remember your other Happy Family posts windshear, just as fabulous - I never tire of updates like this.  So wonderful that you are able to see these guys on a regular basis and witness a whole new generation for this family too.  That nest certainly is a masterpiece, it looks like it has been evenly shaped on a potters wheel - always boggles me to think beaks and feet (?) can create that.  Great series of shots with a beautiful story.

West Coast Tasmania

Reflex's picture

Windshear, Do you know if the nest was made by the Apostlebirds or is it a nest that they have taken over?

Samford Valley Qld.

windshear's picture

Reflex wrote:

Windshear, Do you know if the nest was made by the Apostlebirds or is it a nest that they have taken over?

I don't really know, it matches the descriptions I've read of Apostlebird nests, and they've been there for a while, so I'm guessing it is one of theirs.

Thank you for all of your kind comments, they really are a joy to watch. :)

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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