Well done Barney. Jacky Winter is one bird I think I have in my garden, but find very difficult to identify. I have not seen them out in the open, they are mostly in the trees. Good shot
Araminta, l initially thought they were some kind of robin/flycatcher etc
in my old Slater book they are called 'brown flycatcher' and in my new book they are called jacky winter'
some have a white 'brow' over the eye [males?] but they all have bold white patches on the outer feather of their tails , and they wag their tails quite a bit when they land somewhere or are disturbed/excited.
i really like them , very acrobatic when catching insects in the afternoons. ive seen one tumble earthwards after catching some large bug that must have been more than it could chew , the bird dropped it in the long grass , flew to a perch and wagged his tail for several minutes as though annoyed or startled haha.
Lovely photo!
beautiful little bird ... he likes perching on your wire too
Well done Barney. Jacky Winter is one bird I think I have in my garden, but find very difficult to identify. I have not seen them out in the open, they are mostly in the trees. Good shot
Araminta, l initially thought they were some kind of robin/flycatcher etc
in my old Slater book they are called 'brown flycatcher' and in my new book they are called jacky winter'
some have a white 'brow' over the eye [males?] but they all have bold white patches on the outer feather of their tails , and they wag their tails quite a bit when they land somewhere or are disturbed/excited.
i really like them , very acrobatic when catching insects in the afternoons. ive seen one tumble earthwards after catching some large bug that must have been more than it could chew , the bird dropped it in the long grass , flew to a perch and wagged his tail for several minutes as though annoyed or startled haha.
Love this shot Barney! Always nice to see regulars & favourites back - these little guys look so sweet.
West Coast Tasmania
good thought as they are in the Australasian Robin family