Just some photos of birds

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Just some photos of birds

Nothing special here, just the kinds of birds you see everyday down in NSW.



Turtle Spotted Dove

Female Sparrow

What seems like a rubber duck, looks can be deceiving.

Rainbow Lorikeet

Native or Noisy Myna (Had to climb tree to get this one}

Female Common Koel?

Aussie Magpie

Young lorikeet with parent

Little Black Cormorant?

Laughing Kookaburra

Pacific Black Duck?

Couple of Galahs

Wood Ducks

Crested Pigeon


Common Starling

Superb Fairy Wren (Is this a blue wren?)

Little Pied Cormorant

Magpie Lark (Peewee)

Green Headed Duck (can't remember what it's called)

Some Cormorant, possibly Little Black Cormorant

Crow (I don't think it's an aussie Raven)

Butcher Bird

Male Sparrow

Shocking Photo, Green and yellow front, Grass Parrot?

Red Whiskered Bulbul


Baby Galah, I think it's a young one.

Pied Currawong

Turtle Spotted Dove with a stick for nest

Noisy Friarbird

Well, I hoped you enjoy them with the quality only a hopeless digital camera can provide. The only good ones are the ones I can get within 5 metres of.



Very interesting mate,if you don't mind me asking what part of NSW are you in?
The Spotted Turtle Dove is the exact one we have here, I have one nesting in a hanging basket in my fernery at the moment.

heva1's picture

Pah!! who needs an SLR?? that is a great series, Amateur. And you got a noisy friar bird? well done you.
I think your unknown duck is a Chestnut Teal, and I reckon your 'crow' could be an Aussie Raven... not sure. If you lighten the photo on the computer can you see any 'hackles' under his chin? Thanks for sharing.

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best

bushanwater's picture

Your doin' well mate. All that sneaking up is good practice for when you do get an SLR. Keep up the good work.

See Yez


About the Aussie Raven, I was curious when I took this shot whether it was an aussie crow or not, and I think it does have the hackles under it, I never got a good side on shot but I'm pretty sure it's the Raven now.

And Tas, I live down near Blacktown, Quakers Hill to be exact and they're in our backyard all the time. Literally, if you walk out the door to our backyard at anytime there will be one in sight.


I have some more phtos, just for interest.

A better photo of a grass parrot.

A purple Swamphen?

You need to look hard for the purple, taken from too far away for any good detail. Unlike the goose, it didn't come up to greet me.

DenisWilson's picture

Hi Amateur
If your Quakers Hill is the one in Sydney, it would not be a Crow of any kind. Expect them either further north (e.g., Taree), or further west (Dubbo etc).
Raven & Little Raven are your most likely Corvids (Crow-like birds), and Little Raven tends to be in open fields, in flocks.

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