Juvenile male golden whistler?

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Woko's picture
Juvenile male golden whistler?

Saw this bird on my place on s.e. slopes of Mt Lofty Ranges SA about a week ago. I think it might be a juvenile male golden whistler. All suggestions will be gratefully received.

Woko's picture

Ooops! I posted two pics. The one in #1 is the second. Here's the first (I hope).

pacman's picture


I do not believe that there is enough rufous in the wings


Woko's picture

You could well be right, Peter. How about an immature male rufous whister?

pacman's picture

yes, that's what I believe


Woko's picture

Ah, hah! Thanks, Peter. We're on fire here!

SteveM's picture

Not sure, but I don't think it's a Rufous Whistler, they normally have some noticeable streaking on the under-parts, excpet maybe the race in NT?.
It definitely appears to be a Whistler, I think immature or adult female, not juvenile. My best guess is Gilberts Whistler, but could be Red-lored or Golden. I'm not at all familiar with Gilberts or Red-lored, & Golden vary in different areas around the country.
Edit: When I said Rufous Whistlers normally have streaking. That excludes adult male plumaged birds.

Araminta's picture

If this helps? First one is a juvenile Golden Whistler (female or male I can't tell), second one is a female Golden Whistler, (100 % certain). Both photos taken in my own garden.

hope it helps?


Woko's picture

Thanks, Araminta. I'm very confident now that it's not a golden whistler of any gender or age.

Steve, I'm thinking that it's a young male rufous whistler which is losing its streaking as it matures. We have rufous whistlers around most of the year & occasionally I see a golden whistler or two, usually immatures. But I've never seen a Gilbert's whistler here although we're on the edge of mallee country where I'd be more likely to see them. In any case, I believe the adult Gilbert's whistler has a rufous throat while the young is generally grey except for rufous on the wings. The red-lored whistler's range doesn't extend south far enough & both male & female have a rufous throat so I'm ruling that one out.

---'s picture

It is a Rufous whistler,I have tons of them in my area,and although the colour may vary from state to state,I'm quite confident that's what it is.I'm also inclined to say it's a young male.

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