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clif2's picture

When I was going to take this shot originally there was a Kingfisher sitting in the branches right behind the Kookaburra which looked like a good shot but I took too long to fiddle with my settings before some people came along and the Kingfisher flew off, I like the Kooka anyway.

Araminta's picture

Love this shot Shane. Now when you fiddled arount with your settings, in the end for this one, what were they? Although in this photo the tail of the bird is closer than the head , the whole bird is in focus. Can you give me some details about the settings?


clif2's picture

M-L the tail of the kooka is out of focus a bit, hard to tell with the small image. Reading from the exif data from the photo it was taken at 1/45 sec handheld (IS on),  aperture F5.6, 320 iso, 401mm focal length at a distance of 5.6metres, auto white balance, in aperture priority mode, spot metering and small area spot focus. The saturation was up because it was on the vivid setting I think, even though it doesn't say in the data. The Kooka was lit with warm afternoon light. M-L don't forget to read my response to your post in the social forum about a couple of must see French movies, they are old now but timeless. hope this is what you are looking for as I know you are asking questions about aperture settings for getting things in focus, which I gave a reply to in another post of yours. All the best.



Araminta's picture

Thanks for the information, I will have to do a lot of thinking.

I have seen all the films you are talking about, I like your remark about the French films, "they are old now but timeless", just like me.



Nice shot Shane.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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