From earlier in the month at Laratinga before we got some rain.
The area where the rosellas are feeding is now underwater.
White faced Heron
Superb fairy Wren
Adelaide Rosella
Willie Wagtail
Nice photos Rick ... adelaide rosella is a very striking bird.
I agree with WD the Adelaide Rosella is an attractive bird. Great captures as usual Rick....Roll on the week-end!
Samford Valley Qld.
I too loved the Adelaide Rosella.
Willy Wagtails always seem to look cranky.
It's an interesting spot. I never have much luck but I know there are a few interesting birds.
Amazing shots! I must say, I'm very jealous of the shots of the Adaelaide Rosella! :)
- Birdsandmushrooms
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Nice photos Rick ... adelaide rosella is a very striking bird.
I agree with WD the Adelaide Rosella is an attractive bird. Great captures as usual Rick....Roll on the week-end!
Samford Valley Qld.
I too loved the Adelaide Rosella.
Willy Wagtails always seem to look cranky.
It's an interesting spot. I never have much luck but I know there are a few interesting birds.
Amazing shots! I must say, I'm very jealous of the shots of the Adaelaide Rosella! :)
- Birdsandmushrooms