Okay my husband saw this bird outside his office window. He's not paricularly interesed in birds, only really because of me. At first he thought it was a butcher bird but he said it was magpie sized with a large yellowy beak. I thought maybe a channel billed cuckoo but he said it wasn't.
It's a TERRIBLE photo taken with a phone through a fly screen so you probably won't be able to help me out but if you have any ideas of what it could be let me know and I'll show the husband and see what he thinks.
Thanks :)
Large Yellow Beak
Mon, 07/04/2014 - 17:54
Large Yellow Beak
So where's your location, roughly?
North Central Victoria
And I've forgotten to attatch the terrible photo.
North Central Victoria
Can not be sure with the pic, but looks like a Red Wattlebird.
Shorty......Canon gear
See I thought it was a wattlebird (we have heaps around here) when I first saw the photo but husband said it had a very large beak. I'm wondering if it was actually holding something in it that he mistook for a bill.
North Central Victoria
Hi bibby,
It looks like a red wattlebird for me as well.
Yes that looks like a Red Wattlebird to me as well. It's yellow chest and white face marking give it away as one.