Late Start

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Late Start

After a late night/early morning and my first light bushwalking plans out the window I decided the best way to get my bird fix was to get out to Sydney Olympic Park.

I finally managed to capture some images of a Red Rumped Parrot.

There were lots of sandpipers, avocets and stilts

BabyBirdwatcher's picture

Hi richman, Love the shot of the red rumped parrot (I am yet to see one even after following your advice and going to olympic park, it was great) I also really love the reflection in the 4th and 5th photos

Thanks Jayden


Thanks Jayden. It is like anywhere, sometimes you have a good day sometimes you don't. I was very lucky to see the parrot. I was crossing a bridge near the Tennis centre on my way to see if I could find the Glossy Ibis that was near the big fountain on the other side and saw a small bird flying into some reeds on a small creek/pond. I thought that it was odd to see a reed warbler there. So I went to check it out and hung around whistling to get the warblers attention but I kept getting a reply from the tree behind me which I didn't recognise. I turned and walked around the tree about 3 times trying to see where the sound was coming from when I saw the parrot move. I was onto him then, but I was so excited I found it hard to calm down and take my time getting shots. I managed three angles (one wasn't so good) Thb rest of the time was pretty much only superbs and sandpipers (and sacred ibis which goes without saying in Sydney really)


Hi Richman ... Great shots,  I like your avocets. I got some pics of those to post as well.  I was around SOP on Saturday and like you i saw a reed warbler and a pair of red rumped parrots. 

A place I have seen a good few red rumped parrots is at George Kendall reserve which is on the other side of the parramatta river from SOP. I have seen them in the trees behind the baseball diamond. Parramatta Park is also good place to find them.

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