Late afternoon walk

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Rick N
Rick N's picture
Late afternoon walk

A selection of shots from a nice, slow, walk in the park yesterday afternoon.

Light was quite low due to an approching thunderstorm to had a play with som high iso,s

Also can somebody comment on stage of development od the Wren ie male,female,coming into breeding? as I'm always confused by the variety I see at different times


Araminta's picture

Lovely photos Rick.

I can help with the Wren. It is a male SF Wren in eclipse. After the breeding season the male changes back into the non-breeding plumage. They only retain the dark blue bill and the blue tail. Dominant males , older than 4 years, can stay blue all year round. Although I haven't seen any on my property retaining their colours over winter.


windshear's picture

I think M-L covered it. 

That Yellow-Faced Honeyeater looks a bit sorry for itself.

Love them! smiley


Very nice images.

Love the NHE's tongue, and the synchronised lorrikeets!!

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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