I am from Homg Kong. I visited Melbourne and Tasmania in November and December 2015. I saw some birds. However, my knowledge of Australian birds is limited and am not sure what are these birds.
Am I right that Photos 1 to 4 are all Lillte Wattlebird ?
I really have no idea about the ducks in Photo 5 and 6. May I have your help on these?
Yes the first ones are Little Wattlebirds. The duck look like a Freckled duck but they dont normally swim with their tails underwater.
Also, the head lacks the peak of the Freckled Duck. Except for the bill the duck looks like a female Blue-billed Duck. Interesting.
Agree with what has been said already. Resembles Freckled Ducks except tail
Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera
With that spikey looking tail, I think it would have to be a Blue-billed Duck.
Thanks! I regret that I do not other better photos for better identificaiton.
I agree with Blue-billed Duck.
Shorty......Canon gear
Female Blue-Billed Duck.