I was cruising through the back part of my housing estate when I heard quite a cacophony of noise, and saw several birds hopping about in some grevilleas that have kind of been deserted since the Brown Honeyeaters left.
Turned out to be a pair of Little Wattlebirds. :) The light was not great where they were, and deteriorated pretty quickly but I'm happy I saw them. Haven't spotted or heard any wattlebirds in our area before. :)
Hey windshear, nice photos, love the Grevillieas, where abouts are you? We have Little Wattle Birds seasonally down here south of Hobart, no flowers, no birds, but they will be back!
Thanks for sharing
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
Thanks! I live on the southside of Brisbane. There's quite a few grevilleas and bottlebrush trees along the back of the estate I live in. They attract plenty of friarbirds, honeyeaters and lorikeets at different times of the year. :)
Yes they are lovely birds but quite territorial , along with the Red Wattlebirds. These two I get everyday in my garden. I love it when they get so involved in looking for spiders and bugs under our patio and the garden table and chairs ! Lovely photos , the colours bend well.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
They're beautiful noisy birds aren't they? One bird I'll admit to taking for granted in the past, until I started to take more of an interest in birds and "noticed" just how amazing their markings are. Love the soft, almost dreamy colours in the photo's too.
West Coast Tasmania
Thought I'd take a stroll down that way again today, and found that there are now (at least) two pairs of Little Wattlebirds. Seems that Shoop's comment was on the money.
Two were duking it out with each other while another one watched on from a nearby street light, and I could hear another across the road making its presence known.
I second the vote for liking the soft, subdued colors of the photos! I love wattlebirds - we mostly have red wattles here where I live. There's a big colony down by the sports oval and I always enjoy the cacophony of sound, they have such a unique call.
Last summer there was a poor foster-Mamma red wattlebird trying frantically to feed a huge koel chick she'd been stuck with.