Just wondering if someone. Can help me with this?
It's been around my garden in Melbourne for last couple of months. It is quite olively green and has a. Yellow mark along itsNeck. I've. Tried all my bird books. And. The identification tool. I haven't yet ghot a photo as it is very alert and flies away. As soon as. I move. Even in the. House. The wattle birds that dominate the garden have regularly been chasing it away. I've lived here for past 10 years but this. Is first year it's been about.
Little green bird with distinctive yellow mark
Fri, 20/07/2012 - 10:59
Disey Do
Little green bird with distinctive yellow mark
It would help to give an idea of size. Might be a yellow faced honeyeater.
Also it is helpful to give location and if you have an idea of the call that is a big help too
Sunshine Coast Queensland
It is about. 10-12cm I guess. May be a little bigger but certainly no bigger than 15 cm.
I live northern suburbs of Melbourne victoria
maybe white-plumed honeyeater? It's a sort of greenish grey with a white marking on it's neck (could look yellow?). I have them at my place in Sydney, but they don't show up when the wattlebirds are around.
plenty of photos on google if you want to check it out :)