Long Reef Wader ID please

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sue818's picture
Long Reef Wader ID please

Thought that this might be a Double Banded Plover but not really sure. There seems to be some buff colouring about the chest. The smallest bird seen at Long Reef Sydney a couple of days ago.

Appreciate some help please. Sue

dna1972's picture

First thing I think of is Double-banded Plover too. I am not a wader person though. Check your field guides for more information. It could be non-breeding, female or anything, just to throw you off.


ihewman's picture

I would say you're right... Notice that eyebrow, compared to Greater SP, extends far beyond the eye to the nape. Even in non-breeding, the start of the double bars are still noticeable. However, on some individuals, the second bar can be hard to recognise just like in your photo. So, it may be an imm. bird, perhaps on its first migration from NZ. Also it would be very unlikely for Greater SP to still be here.

Brandon (aka ihewman)

pacman's picture

yes, Double-banded Plover - looks just like, a bit older & thinner, my pic from Lake Cathie, NSW in June '12


sue818's picture

Thanks everyone for the help. When they are young and/or not in breeding plummage it is a challenge. This juvenile flew over the reef while we were there but knew it for a Gannet. Back there tomorrow for a better picture of the others we identified as Golden Plover, Sanderling and Grey Tailed Tattler and to see what else might appear.  sue

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