Long - billed Corella

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sparrow's picture
Long - billed Corella

One of the most comon birds in my area at times they even outnumber the Cockatoos

Elsie's picture

Beautiful photos! I have never seen one of these so thank you for sharingsmiley

I love that last shotheart Did you ever find that you were kind of ignoring the more "common" birds? I did, and then I woke up one morning and relised "Hey! I've never taken a photo of a magpie!" Now I photograph every bird that I see laugh

Thanks againsmiley


Great photos .... only see the little ones around here.

The last two on the branch look like they are in serious conversation about something!

Araminta's picture

Those last two look like an old married couple, a bit bored, a bit sad and worn outwink, but gorgeous.


 and   @birdsinbackyards
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