Hi all, Is it possible for Magpie Geese to visit Bibra Lake (Southern Perth Suburb)?
Twice in last few days have sighted 4-5 Large Black and White Birds, Smaller and more agile than Black Swans, Larger than the usual Ducks.
Consulting my field guide, seems to be the only option for what I saw. Any other suggestions?
Only photo that was even semi legible (mobile phone camera);
a Magpie Goose in WA would be well out of range
your bird does not appear to be a MG - no long black neck, black on leading edge of wing whereas MG has black on trailing edge
I am havng difficulty making an alternate suggestion from your pic
Agreed Peter. Was just looking for possible options.
The picture is poor, but my eyesight is not. It wasn't a Black Swan, the white wing tips make them easy to identify in flight.
Shelduck is most likely, though I am familiar with them, and these seemed larger.
A mystery until I am able to get the Binoculars on them (if they show up again).
Not a Cape Barren goose?