Magpies Morning Duet

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Chris F
Chris F's picture
Magpies Morning Duet

The other day, I was seranaded by these two lovely birds singing away on top of our lights. One of the things I really enjoy about living here are the amazing birdcalls, especially in the mornings.

The dawn is always heralded by multitudes of birds singing their hearts out - just brilliant.

Enjoy - sorry - no soundtrack smiley


Chris F
Chris F's picture

another photo of them - good thing there were only two birds - not enough room for more


shoop's picture

their call is so awesome, my partner has it as his ringtone on his mobile....we were at the beach today and as we walked passed a tree there were about 6 Magpies flying towards us. Once they landed they become vocal and my partner said ..."' oh my phone is ringing!!!!"".

Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.

Chris F
Chris F's picture

That's so funny Shoop - love it.

My mobile message tone is some kind of bird call - not sure which it is.

Because we have so many bird calls happening just outside the study window, my husband never notices if a message comes through on my phone even if it is sitting right next to him!


 and   @birdsinbackyards
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