I was deeply saddened to read this evening of the recent extinction in SA of the Mallee Emu-wren, fundamentally due to habitat loss, particularly after a bushfire. It seems the habitat left to support the Mallee Emu-wren in SA was insufficient to sustain the population of Emu-wrens dependent on it. Such Australia-wide habitat reduction & fragmentation will enevitably lead to further extinction of bird & other wildlife species. If you're not going to be too distressed, read about it here: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-06-25/environment-neglect-cost-sa-mallee-emu-wren-david-paton-accuses/5548390
We lose species just about every year.
It is a shame people can not think more roundedly about our habitat to allow plenty for the birds and animals.
Happy Birding!