Just a few shots from a wander today along the Arno Bay Mangrove Trail.
Pied Oystercather having a wash
Rock Parrot by the beach
Spint cheeked Honeyeater, lots around in the mangroves being very photogenic.
Silvereye, for a split second. Don't know who was more surprised.
And who can resist a nice Willie Wagtail
Love your photos, the one of the rock parrot is the first I can remember seeing on any forum, I bred them many years ago but have never seen them in the wild .
And I am so jelous of your photo of the SC Honeyeater they are my nemesis I just can't get a decent photo of one ,they are not comon around here I have only seen two so far this year ,keep up the great work you've inspired me to look futher afield for them
Nice set of shots Rick ... I love wandering around mangroves.... not sure if yours are totally mosquito ridden like ours are currently .
Is it normal for arock parrot to be on the beach areas? Love the Spiny CHeek .... I need to find some different HEs
Sunshine Coast Queensland
The Rock Parrot is very much a coastal bird, birdie.
Wonderful pictures again ... love the rock parrot and spiny cheeked HE.