Mataranka Parrot?

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BajanAlan's picture
Mataranka Parrot?

Long way away.

pacman's picture

I checked whereis and you are right - Mataranka is a long way away

Red-winged Parrot - good find as Eremaea says 5% chance of seeing at Mataranka 


BajanAlan's picture

I did not think it was a Red-wing Parrot.

The head seems to have a distinctive line.

pacman's picture

I believe that in the top pic I can see the red wing above the branch to the shoulder, the bill & legs also appear to be the right colour

I assume that you went to Mataranka in lieu of Fogg Dam?


BajanAlan's picture

Drove 440km to Mataranks Homestead only to be turned back 2 km from destination. Returned to Katherine which is full of Black Kites and Apostlebirds. The local Maccas makes a good Latte. \

See the distinctive neck line on the top bird?

You are probibly correct as there are no other possibalities up here.

pacman's picture

yes, the colour suggests a juvenile so I assumed this was part of its moult


ScottTas's picture

Definitely Red-winged Parrot.

I think the 'line' may just be lighting, or possibly related to moulting.

I would have thought they'd be very likely in that area. I found them to be very common throughout the Top End.

Cheers, Scott.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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