Monarto Woodlands

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Rick N
Rick N's picture
Monarto Woodlands

First visit to Monarto Woodlands 50kl to the South of Adelaide and what a little gem of a spot.

Over twenty species in a two hour walk including birds as shown here as well as Restless Flycatcher,Hooded Robin and Pallid Cuckoo.

Diamond Firetail

Mistletoebird - Male

Chestnut Rumped Thornbill

Mistletoebird - Female

Brown Headed Honeyeater


Reflex's picture

Very nice, "twenty species in a two hour walk"! They would have been all firsts for me. SA seems to hold some fantastic birds that we don't get here in Queensland.

I see your Diamond Firetail has quite a collection of rings.

Samford Valley Qld.

Elsie's picture

Lovely shots! The Diamond Firetail is just beautiful smiley

Thanks for sharing!

Devster's picture

Nice photos Rick, really need to get down there someday soon and try to get some pics of my own.

Love the Diamond Firetail

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Oh yes, beautiful shots indeed Rick.  Is that food going in or out of the male Mistletoes' mouth laugh, I suspect in?  Great feeding capture.

West Coast Tasmania

Owl of Kedumba
Owl of Kedumba's picture

Top-notch shots on a great day. My Diamond Firetail shots are nothing like this. Could you see the number on it's leg band?

By the way, the last one's a Yellow Thornbill! Weebill's have pale bills and lack striations around the eye. smiley

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Thanks all.

Thanks Owl, I really wasn't that sure and had a stab at Weebill :-)

Best thing is I havn't seen a Yellow Thornbill before so new bird for me laugh

Couldn't see any numbers but two yellow on right leg and one or two silver on left.

Owl of Kedumba
Owl of Kedumba's picture

Good one Rick.

Woko's picture

And the Weebill has a pale eyebrow or two, too. 

Yes, a great spot, Rick. When we were visited by Diamond Firetails last year (or was it the year before?) I wondered if they originally came from Monarto Scrub. 

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