Mooloolaba Pelagic 7th of November.

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Reflex's picture
Mooloolaba Pelagic 7th of November.

I just thought I'd share a few shots from the recent Mooloolaba Pelagic trip on the 7th of November. 

This was my third Pelagic trip and my second out of Mooloolaba. The two and a half hour trip out was rough with waves hitting the bow, sending spray over the top of the cabin dousing everyone with salt water who were unlucky enough to not have a seat inside. We had a few that suffered from seasickness and they just found a spot to curl up and wish the day would end.

We arrived at the Continental shelf 30 nautical miles from Mooloolaba and started chopping up the Shark liver and waited for the birds to start to arrive. It didn't take long. The Shearwaters (three species) were first followed by the Tahiti Petrels and Terns.

There were eleven species for the day but I missed photographing the Brown Booby so only two new species/ticks for me..Bridled Tern and Tahiti Petrel.

Full list can be found here:

Portrait of a Wedge-tailed Shearwater.

Notice how big the nostrils are? As with anything in nature there has to be a reason which lead me to Google "Shearwater Nostrils" quite interesting results....a suggestion that that seabirds use odour maps to navigate over vast expanses of visually featureless oceans.

Crested Tern.

Wedge-Tailed Shearwater.

Tahiti Petrel.

HelloBirdy's picture

Great shots

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera

rawshorty's picture

Excellent shots Reflex, i have been wanting to go on a Pelagic trip for a long time, i think i really need to get serious about it.

Shorty......Canon gear



Excellent photos Reflex. 

Great close up of the shearwater. Nice photos of the tahiti petrel ... that sea is a beautiful blue.

I get a bit queasy just thinking about looking through a viewfinder to locate a flying bird from a rolling boat deck.

Elsie's picture

Great shots Reflex! These sea adventures of yours sound like fun! If only I lived closer to the sea! I'm so very envious of all of you who post these awesome photos of beautiful seabirds :) 

Thanks for sharing!

TheBirdLover's picture

Wow, you got some really good shots there,Reflex... they're all amazing.


pacman's picture

Reflex wrote:

There were eleven species for the day but I missed photographing the Brown Booby so only two new species/ticks for me..Bridled Tern and Tahiti Petrel.

I can sell you a Brown Booby pic if that helps - do you want adult or juvenile ;-))


Devster's picture

Nice shots Reflex. Hopefully next time I will get to go out.

akasha's picture

Great shots. Especially the shearwater portrait :)

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Great set Reflex and good on you for persevering with the rough conditions you have had.

Can't wait to go on one of these trips.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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