Last week I shared a picture of a willie wagtails nest early in construction, well it's finally finished also last week I noticed a noisy miner nest near the shops but didn't have my camera but tried to see if I could hear any young, nothing. Today I went past again and lucky I had my camera as not only did I hear the young but I got to see them and watch the parents feed (the last pic you can see the little ones face)
More babies!!
Tue, 10/09/2013 - 19:28

More babies!!
Naww... :) I love the colours of the leaves in the Noisy Miner shots - they look so perfect!
The willie wagtails that were building a nest in my shed appeared to have abandoned it for a couple of weeks, probably due to some unfriendly peewees and butcherbirds who were also taking serious interest in the shed. This afternoon, though, Mrs and Mr Wagtail were sitting near where the partially-constructed nest is, and making unusual, excited noises. So who knows?
Exciting times! Great photos cassie!
Melbourne – South-East
oh I do hope that means they will get to finish what they started Windshear. Near where the willie wagtail nest is there was also a black-faced cuckoo shrikes nest but that has seemed to vanish, I looked and looked but couldn't find it
I wonder if another bird was behind it's disappearance?
Thank you Kim
O, they are all beautiful
I love the way the little one looks over the edge. I always find it strange why the Willie Wagtails construct nests so small that their tail doesn't fit? (a bit like you had a car and your arms and head didn't fit and would stick out